About Us
The Medical Surgical Assistants Society of Australia (MSASA)The Medical Surgical Assistants Society of Australia (MSASA) is a medico-political organisation which seeks to protect and promote the professional role of medical surgical assistants in the Australian Healthcare System.
The members of MSASA come from a variety of backgrounds, but all are qualified medical practitioners, who share a common interest in surgery. They are committed to their role in assisting Australian surgeons to provide the highest possible standards of safety and efficiency in their work.

Relationship with the RACS & RACGP
MSASA has never advocated a clinical role for itself and is an outspoken advocate of the College’s role as the most appropriate organisation to determine standards of clinical care in surgery.
Many MSASA members are active in the Colleges and are forthright in their criticisms and praise for the various positions advocated by the Colleges’ leaderships.
Relationship with the AMA
MSASA seeks to work with the Australia Medical Association (AMA) where possible and appropriate.
MSASA is opposed to any organisation eroding its independence by collaborating with Government on matters which would adversely impact on the relationship between Medical Surgical Assistants and their patients.
Why apply for MSASA membership
- We keep you updated on topics of importance
- We link you to other members through our national co-ordinator
- We represent your issues. MSASA responds to issues through submissions, lobbying, and campaigning.
- MSASA Annual Report detailing MSASA activities through the year.
- Industrial relations advice on practice issues.
The Medical Surgical Assistants Society of Australia is the most cost effective medico-political organisation medical surgical assistants can belong to. No other organisation can offer you this much for such a low cost.